Design Thinking at Turian Labs
Every year we interact with more than 2000 consumers and 200 influencers across 5 countries for in-depth ethnographic research to build business insights
Design Thinking is increasingly becoming critical to inculcate a culture of innovation organisation wide, as its approach seeks to deliver a stronger emotional impact that helps realise strategic goals of the company. The design thinking cycle involves observation to discover unmet needs within the context and constraints of a particular situation, framing the opportunity and scope of innovation, generating creative ideas, testing and refining solutions.
In the current scenario of exponential technology-driven changes & disruptions, one feels the urgency to develop a lasting organisational-capability to respond, adapt and thrive in a fast-changing future. The aim is to create an environment that encourages all organisational-units to contribute and then follow up on ideas. This eventually leads to building a common language of innovation.
Turian Labs realises that ‘one size fits all’ approach to problem solving simply won't work in today’s dynamic approach. This is where Design Thinking approach comes to the fore, as the methodology is problem-centric and not solution-centric.
We have created an enterprise rollout program, which helps organisations in their quest of finding the big unknowns viz.,
You are highly unfamiliar with the customers/markets needs
You have little sense of likely outcomes
You have not seen this type of problem before
You have no hypotheses to test
Your usual source of data and analytics will not clearly help you find a solution
Design Thinking Sprints Using DT in enabling & solving the big unknowns
We understand the importance of converting the Design Thinking methodology into a business application and hence, Turian Labs offers DT SPRINT for the already trained teams. The DT SPRINT is about application of Design Thinking tools in the real-time business scenario. For this program, senior facilitators from Turian Labs spend dedicated time in understanding the problems/challenges/concerns of the organisation, which leads to a more nuanced and customised process and fine tuning tools specific to the organisation’s need.
Our DT Sprint Model
Ensuring continuity in the long-run
Turian Labs can train and enable a selected core team to take the lead for Design Thinking evangelism within the client organization. These trainers in turn facilitate Design Thinking implementation for internal teams and be the flag bearers within the organization.
We understand the importance of converting the Design Thinking methodology into practical application in a practitioner’s day-to-day life. In the true spirit of Design Thinking, we would elaborate and build on the concepts of Design Thinking specific to the organization. We will help the trainers formulate and summarize the content that is contextual to an organization’s need.
Quick immersion or reinforcing learnings - DESIGN THINKING LEARNING & BOOSTER WORKSHOPS, the preferred way
Learning workshop help in understanding the broad contours of Design Thinking and business implications with quick glimpses of case examples. The workshop helps the participants build conviction in the rapid application of Design Thinking tools and its implication on business.
Booster workshops are meant to provide quick and authentic inputs (building capability) while the team is undergoing Design Thinking led innovation journey. The workshops range from idea funnelling to creative ideation techniques to empathy methods to insighting & synthesizing.
Glimpses of our Design Thinking Pedagogy
Manoj Kothari, conducting a session at Nasscom Product Conclave, on Future Proofing Product Innovation with Design Thinking