In recent news, Padma award-winning founder of Zoho, Sridhar Vembu said “What we need is imagination and vision. The real barrier stopping us is imagination.” This is not surprising. McKinsey's ACS index indicates that creative companies outperform their peers on key financial metrics.
However, the reality is that innovation eludes the vast majority of businesses that are operating today. In recent times, ‘Design’ has seen a lot of traction in the business world. Organisations, irrespective of size or domain are actively looking at Design Thinking to infuse creativity into their culture.
But there is a catch. Modern organisations are built on the foundations of productivity and efficiency driven by analytical thinking. Decision-makers have to converge on one right answer. Design culture on the other hand relies on being open to a wide range of possibilities, some even seemingly absurd.
Join the experts George and Manoj in a freewheeling discussion on a Saturday morning (13th Feb) on design, business and technology in the context of building a creative (organizational) culture.
About George Supreeth
George is a partner (Leading design practice) at Ideasutra, a strategic design consulting firm, which supports non-profit organisations working in sustainability and social impact using design-led problem-solving.
He also heads the Ideasutra Sandbox - their internal Social Design Lab dedicated to design-experiments for social good. Their recent sandbox projects include varied themes such as art & culture, early childhood education and entrepreneur support networks.
Know more about him here.
Who can participate:
Innovation & strategy professionals
UX & UI professionals
Startup founders and enthusiasts
Cross-functional professionals across domains (IT, ITES, manufacturing, retail, telecom, banking & finance, engineering, pharma, management consulting & education, etc.)
Public sector organizations and people in governance (from municipal corporation to other public sector institutions)
Business owners
Social enterprises and NGO professionals.
Students across STEM, Design and Business specialisation
Limited seats. Mandatory registration (free).
* D'IVE (Design Thinking & Innovation Hive) is a recurring collaborative learning forum of global, cross-industry professionals, eager to explore and expand their awareness of Design Thinking, Futures Thinking and Innovation. Know more about it here.